Here’s Everything You Need to Know About the YouTube Algorithm
1.9 billion logged-in users visit YouTube every month.
That essentially means YouTube is critical to your marketing plan. You can’t just post videos on YouTube hoping to become a one-hit-wonder.
It’s less likely to work that way.
You have to be strategic.
You have to understand the YouTube algorithm that makes some businesses succeed in their marketing plan while others are falling short. How do you do this? By understanding the strategies that some businesses are failing to take advantage of.
The YouTube algorithm 2019 can be used to your advantage. Ultimately, you’ll see why it’s valuable to post on YouTube as well as what you should be posting.
You’ll discover strategies that can help your business thrive. You can create a channel, have subscribers, and create meaningful content that more of your target audience will see.
So, how does the YouTube algorithm work and how complicated is it?
Any business can do it. It’s just a matter of understanding how to do it.
Here’s everything you need to know about the YouTube Algorithm in order for your business to succeed at the highest level.
How to Take Advantage of the YouTube Algorithm
YouTube algorithm focuses on keywords, thumbnail, and engagement videos. It focuses on consistency, clicks, and views. You should also perfect the craft of script writing.
Not to mention, you should also be spreading your video across other social media platforms. In short, this is everything you need to know. Now it’s time to take a deeper dive into what the YouTube algorithm is.
You Need to Have an Understanding of YouTube SEO
Everything just mentioned is part of the YouTube SEO. Adding keywords, thumbnails, and engagement videos will help bring in more of your target audience, resulting in more traffic. That’s how you take advantage of the YouTube Algorithm.
What else can you do? Embed videos on to your website so it gives your videos more views, clicks, likes, etc. In addition to embedding your video on your blog or website, you should also focus on categorizing your video. Also, add an SRT file for subtitles and closed captions.
YouTube SEO isn’t just about a couple of keywords and boom! You’re on the top of the YouTube sensations list. It takes way more work.
Thumbnails are especially important. You want to create thumbnails that get clicked. How do you do that? Focus on creating some emotion in your thumbnails. In fact, showing emotion actually increases your click-through rate.
In addition to adding emotion, your thumbnails should also have some text on it. Text on the thumbnail of your video offers clarity to your video. People are more likely to click it when they read what’s on your thumbnail and understand what it’s about.
YouTube SEO is about taking advantage of the Algorithm with multiple strategies. You’re not just using keywords, you’re using multiple approaches to streamline your content so more people can see it and spread the word.
Post on Social Media and Get Subscribers
Beyond YouTube SEO, it’s also critically important that you share your videos on social media, which in turn can generate subscribers for your channel. A research paper in 2016 by Google engineers discovered how videos could be shared through YouTube’s recommendation engine.
That research paper, which has received much attention today, talked about YouTube SEO, social media promotion, and getting subscribers. Sharing your content is highly valuable to getting more people to see what you do. You should be sharing your content on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
The more you share your content, the more of a social presence you’ll receive on YouTube and get subscribers. How you maintain those subscribers will be determined by how much you consistently post on YouTube.
Consistency Is King on Your YouTube Channel
You should always know who your target audience is.
Because as soon as you know who you’re trying to send your content to, what kind of people you want to see your content, your overall business YouTube content will be more specific. It will be audience-specific. By knowing your audience, you have a tighter grasp on the kind of content you should be creating.
And creating that content consistently on a YouTube channel gives you more opportunities to spread your message to your audience. And it gives your audience more opportunities to see hundreds of your informational videos, not just a single video.
In addition, your content should always have a clear message to your audience. A great YouTube message should be clear and to the point based on the name of the channel. Consistency also allows you to not only gather subscribers but keep subscribers.
You may find an audience that loves your content, but if you’re not posting consistently, that audience has no reason to stay. They will find a more consistent channel.
Ultimately, understand your audience. Understand their problems and how you can help them. Understand them so you help them with your content on a consistent basis.
It doesn’t matter how much SEO content your YouTube channel has. If you only have one post because you don’t have time, then your audience won’t stick around unless you post consistently.
What Should You Be Doing On YouTube?
Understanding the YouTube algorithm can make your business succeed. You should either spend hours figuring out how to optimize the YouTube algorithm to your benefit for your business or have someone else do it for you.
Have us do the work for you. Surface Media specializes in YouTube SEO, so you don’t have to worry about what to post or how to generate more traffic to your site. We can make your videos SEO rich that generate more customers to your business.
70% of YouTube views come through their recommendation engine. Which leads us to ask you, what are you doing to optimize your YouTube algorithm?
Contact us to see how we can help your business thrive on YouTube.