Long Search Queries and SEO: What It All Means
Once upon a time, only simple queries were made in online searches. Just a single keyword or basic phrases could lead a person to their desired product or informative site. As the internet evolved and the vast amounts of data overwhelmed the senses, queries became longer to determine a more exact match for whatever was queried.
Longer Queries are Often Better
Typing in longer queries often results in better search results because it narrows down what is being sought. As technology advances and broader levels of information become available, it becomes necessary to apply further thought into queries beyond typing in the basic keywords to obtain pertinent results.
About Semantic Search
When Google began, queries were interpreted by keyword usage, with the most matching keywords in a site taking top ranking. Since then, the analysis done by Google has evolved into today’s use of a “semantic search.” This higher level of interaction applies the intent assumed in a query and pulls information that may apply to a user’s needs. If a user would like information about upgrading their office, for example, they may choose to ask a question rather than type in basic words such as “office upgrade.” A question posed that might deliver best results could read, “What is the best furniture for home office upgrade?” Today, this question would bring up relevant information about furniture manufacturer, images, and decorating ideas rather than hundreds of sites that could bring a combination of results for commercial office products, general advertisements, and real estate articles, to name a few. It is important to navigate through the fields of limitless information correctly to have Google perform the best analysis of the initial query.
Navigating the Information Highway
Since the creation of the internet, the volume of information has become vast and continues to grow. To obtain relevant results in the complex highway of massive amounts of images and data, users must learn to develop better query skills. The longer queries are being recognized as the most effective way to get pertinent information.
Technology and Accuracy
With most people using smartphones with much smaller screens than laptops, tablets, and desktop computers, it is easy to mistype words in a search query. With tiny keyboards and various sized fingers, it is likely to spell words incorrectly and obtain irrelevant results. Voice based queries are more successful for this reason, especially when people are driving. The search can be requested through voice and has a smaller chance of misunderstanding; thought it does happen. People are asking more questions and very seldom inquire using single keywords, especially in the business sense.
Keyword Usage Decreasing
Keywords no longer need to be such a heavy focus in your content. Keyword stuffing your site and blog articles does not ensure top rankings. It is best to be thorough with information about your product or service and provide answers to potential questions. With Google evolving in their analysis of queries, it is always best to be proactive and be ahead of the needs of potential customers. When someone is looking to fill a need, you want your business to be top ranking, which no longer means lots of keywords. Answer their questions, and results will lean towards better profits. Encourage the long-tail keyword style in your site and articles for the best results.
Utilizing Long-Tail Keywords
Topics are considered long-tail keywords. These are descriptors alongside basic terms. Topics strung into a question produce best results. “Who, what, why, and when” are the questions people ask so build information to answer all of these questions/queries and results will be positive for all parties. By answering questions, Google has a better chance of analyzing the query and pulling up your business because it includes parts of the question. For example, “Who is the best advertising agency in Buffalo, NY?” can be supported by information that reads on your business page as “Company X is the best advertising agency in Buffalo, NY”. To further specify search results to show your company, it is best to develop a niche and not belong to the massive hoard of ‘alike’ information. Developing a niche will make your business stand apart, and stay on top of search results.
Finding Your Niche
Developing your niche will produce great results when search queries ask for information about your specialty. This eliminates being part of the black hole of information and limitless amounts of sites that you must scroll through to find your business. To stand out from the fray, a niche will determine your expertise in some area and when questions are asked about this topic, your business will come up in Google search, ahead of basic information on a general topic.